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Crucian Dictionary
Crucian Dictionary is where you can browse and upload the words and phrases used by today's speakers of Crucian, the English-based creole spoken on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.

Note on spellings: Since Crucian is a largely oral rather than written language, there is no standard spelling (people don't even agree on how to spell “Crucian”). For a single expression (take “Me ain know,” Crucian for “I don't know”), one native speaker might separate the words into Standard English-like equivalents in written form (“Me ain't know”), while another might write “meaino” or “meeno.”

If you're searching for a particular word or phrase, try some different options. If you prefer to spell a word or phrase differently from how you see it listed here, please add your preference.

Note on usage: Crucian is not the language of education or commerce; it's the language of gossip and storytelling and everyday conversation. Most of the Crucian here is used by young people: older Crucians might not use or understand some of these expressions. Some of the expressions in this dictionary might be perceived as - or ARE - inappropriate, rude or even offensive in some contexts, so use your judgment.

Crucian Dictionary is not intended for all audiences. Visitors who do not consider themselves an appropriate audience for the site's content should not visit the site.

Using Crucian Dictionary
Browse by clicking on a letter in the alphabet. Dictionary pages are listed alphabetically, and give you definitions, examples of usage, sources for the examples, alternate spellings and similar or related words.

Uploading New Words and Phrases
You're invited to add new words and phrases to the dictionary. E-mail us at cruciandictionary@gmail.com. Include the word or phrase as you prefer to spell it, along with at least one example of its use.

About Crucian Dictionary
Crucian Dictionary started as a project 2005-2008 in Dr. Robin Sterns' sections of ENG 201 Research and Applied Writing at the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix campus.

This website and the companion book Say it in Crucian! are a celebration of today's Crucian, featuring words and definitions generated by young people from St. Croix. Add your favorites!

Citing Crucian Dictionary
If you are citing an entry from Crucian Dictionary or the entire site in a paper, you can of course cite the website as your source. But where entries have specific external sources (i.e. a book), these are listed for further reference. Entries listed as "posted by [name]" were submitted by individuals to the website. Occasionally we see new language on Facebook or elsewhere and will cite that as a source.

Terms of Usage
Crucian Dictionary is the sole owner of the definitions and other data collected on this website unless such material is owned and copyrighted by another person or entity.

If you upload a definition or example of usage that comes from a source other than your own experience (i.e. a book, song lyric, etc.), please give credit where it is due. Should any submissions be found by Crucian Dictionary to be unacceptably offensive, in violation of copyright law, or containing unacceptable material, Crucian Dictionary may remove the submission without notice. However, Crucian Dictionary is not obligated to restrict or monitor submissions in any way, or to block users who submit inappropriate material.

You, the user, agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of this website without express prior written permission from Crucian Dictionary. You are welcome to cite Crucian Dictionary material, for example in a research paper, but you agree to give the website proper credit. However, authors, reviewers, social scientists, jurists or students commenting on the content, operation, functionality or objectives of Crucian Dictionary may refer to the website in any manner they choose.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to e-mail us at cruciandictionary@gmail.com


Copyright © 2008-2011 | Crucian Dictionary | All Rights Reserved | Robin Sterns, Intelligent Design